Product inquiry
MIG 480 RACE 3Li
Goods code: 133011
MIG 480 RACE 3Li
Nademlejnská - eshop | 2 pcs |
OC Šestka | 2 pcs |
Wednesday 02.04. it can be at your place |
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Product Description
Technical Data:
Product Description
MEGAmotor - MIG 480 RACE 3Li - 133011
The main advantage of the electric motor is the ability to use more than čtyřstovek propellers which are designed to lower voltage and still achieve greater engine performance by about 20% while maintaining a low current.
Weight: 105 g
Dimensions: 28X50 mm
max current: 10 A
Number of cells: 2-3 Li XX
maximum diameter: 28 mm
shaft diameter: 2.3 mm
Recommended controller 10 A
Technical Data:
Napětí [V] | 12 |
Jmenovité napětí [V] | 12 |
Otáčky naprázdno [ot/min] | 20.300 |
Proud naprázdno [A] | N/A |
Proud při max. účinnosti [A] | N/A |
Hmotnost [g] | 105 |
Průměr [mm] | 50 |
Délka [mm] | 28 |
Průměr hřídele [mm] | 2,3 |
Volná délka hřídele [mm] | 10,9 |
Uchycení | 2x M2,6 na rozteči 16 mm |