Everything for Creating Dioramas

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Do your kids like electronics? Then treat them to one of our electronic kits . All you'll need are four lead-acid batteries and then you're good to go. Newer kits can also be connected to your computer via USB or powered by a solar circuit. Using these electrical building blocks, it is possible to construct a whole range of different projects, which include, for example: a compass, a lighthouse, a telegraph, an FM radio, a lie detector, a lamp, an alarm device and many others.

445 items

Basing Sets – Avatar World

Basing Sets – Avatar World
With the help of this set, you can create an alien environment with extravagant Martian plants with a high degree of authenticity. In addition to colors and other special materials, the package contains 31 resin accessories in the form of alien plants and crystals. The set is ideal for creators of dioramas or wargaming. Undoubtedly, it will be appreciated by both beginners and experienced modelers.
GSW8435646517193ES -5% 54,85 € 52,13 €
Stock 1 pcs
Tuesday 17.09. it can be at your place

Basing Sets – Infestation

Basing Sets – Infestation
With the help of this set, you can create an environment with alien creatures with a high degree of authenticity. In addition to colors and other special materials, the package contains 60 resin accessories in the form of alien creatures, their eggs, etc. The set is ideal for creators of dioramas or wargaming. Undoubtedly, it will be appreciated by both beginners and experienced modelers.
GSW8435646517247ES -5% 54,85 € 52,13 €
Stock 1 pcs
Tuesday 17.09. it can be at your place

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