Basing Sets – Avatar World

Price in e-shop with VAT: 52,13 €
Discount -5 %
Price in store: 54,85 €
Stock 1 pcs
Nademlejnská - eshop 1 pcs
Thursday 19.09. it can be at your place
Manufacturer: Green Stuff World
Goods code: GSW8435646517193ES
EAN: 8435646517193

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Product Description

Green Stuff World - Basing Sets – Avatar World - GSW8435646517193ES

With the help of this set, you can create an alien environment with extravagant Martian plants with a high degree of authenticity. In addition to colors and other special materials, the package contains 31 resin accessories in the form of alien plants and crystals. The set is ideal for creators of dioramas or wargaming. Undoubtedly, it will be appreciated by both beginners and experienced modelers.

Package Contents:

  • Martian Textures Fluor Purple (30 ml),
  • Martian Textures Fluor Blue (30 ml),
  • Fluor Pigments Light Orange (30 ml),
  • Dry Brush Paint Ultramarine Touch (30 ml),
  • Dry Brush Paint Dry Violet (30 ml),
  • Martian Tufts 6mm Neon Yeti Blue,
  • Martian Tufts 6mm Neo-Titan Orange,
  • Martian Fluor Grass Wildfire Green,
  • Basing Bark Chips,
  • Islandmoss Fuchsia,
  • Islandmoss Grey,
  • Resin pieces (alien plants and crystals).


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