606-1 iron TRIM

Price in e-shop with VAT: 24,21 €
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Manufacturer: Q-model
Goods code: 8KM8333
EAN: 8595241322773

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Product Description

Q-model - 606-1 iron TRIM - 8KM8333

Indispensable tool for fine work in the corners, hard to reach areas on small models or strongly curved surfaces. It comes with two adapters shaped Teflon coating has four selectable operating temperature. The condition for success is smooth, thoughtfully shaped body with Teflon coating that prevents damage to the balsa wood parts or scratch foil, reliable and accurate temperature control and light weight. Delicate point of each heating element is iron, which must be due to mains very thin coiled resistance wire. It is therefore important to work carefully and heated iron to protect against bumps and shocks.

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