Masking Tape 200mm

Price in e-shop with VAT: 19,79 €
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Wednesday 18.09. it can be at your place
Manufacturer: Green Stuff World
Goods code: GSW8435646526928ES
EAN: 8435646526928

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Product Description

Green Stuff World - Masking Tape 200mm - GSW8435646526928ES

Green Stuf World masking tape has been specially designed to cover specific areas on the model that you want to protect from paint application, both by brushing and spraying. The width of the tape is 200 mm, the length of the tape is 18 meters.

The tape can be applied to various surfaces. The tape does not absorb paint or leave marks on the surface of the model. It is ideal not only for use in the field of plastic modeling or creating dioramas, but it will also be appreciated by railway modelers and RC modelers.


  • the tape can be used both when applying colors by spraying and, following certain techniques, with a brush;
  • very good adhesion to the surface of your model without leaving traces of glue.

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