Wooden Boxes Set - Set of wooden boxes (9 pcs)

Price in e-shop with VAT: 11,28 €
Discount -5 %
Price in store: 11,87 €
Stock 1 pcs
OC Letňany 1 pcs
Wednesday 11.09. it can be at your place
Manufacturer: Green Stuff World
Goods code: GSW8436554364619ES
EAN: 8436554364619

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Product Description

Green Stuff World - Wooden Boxes Set - Set of wooden boxes (9 pcs) - GSW8436554364619ES

Set of resin wooden boxes. The set is ideal for creating miniatures or dioramas. Extremely clean and professionally cast from quality resin, the boxes are supplied unpainted. Faithfully captured drawing of wood with indicated nail joints. The accessory is suitable for 1:48 and 1:35 scale.

Package contents:

  • 2x boxes 33x23x18 mm,
  • 2x boxes 35x15x15 mm,
  • 1× box 22×22×22 mm,
  • 1× box 22×12×12 mm,
  • 1× box with lid 22×18×8 mm,
  • 1x chest 30x18x18 mm,
  • 1x box 8x8 mm.

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