Microkoptéra Visitor Galaxy 2 with camera

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Drones and Quadcopters with Camera

Manufacturer: Nine Eagles
Goods code: NE3906
EAN: 6943481766994

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Product Description

Nine Eagles - Microkoptéra Visitor Galaxy 2 with camera - NE3906

Miniature kvadrokoptéra with 56 mm rotors and a miniature camera for still buzzing and taking photo / video images at home or outdoors. RC set with a 2.4GHz transmitter, LiPo battery, a miniature camera and a USB charger. The model is equipped with an intelligent flight

Our new micro kvadrokoptéra GALAXY VISITOR 2 with excellent flight characteristics is designed for quiet flying out at home and especially for recording video images and photographs of miniature camera that is included in the model. Konstrukcez quality flexible plastic protects all parts of the model against damage while giving the kvadrokoptéře distinctive look, which attracts many a viewer. Thanks to the quality control unit of this model is very stable, which is a condition for pořizováníkvalitních records video and photos. At the same time, thanks to the gyro sensitivity switching can be very lively. Additionally, you can switch using double deflection switch between single and double deflection.

But that's not all! The model is equipped with an intelligent control mode. After switching to this phase-I/II mode, it does not matter where the front and back of the model, or the left and right side. Model will always be controlled as if the bow from you and will respond to your instructions from the transmitter nazávisle on your location. This mode is an excellent tool for novice pilots, who have competing models.

And it's still not all! Another excellent feature is the automatic mode return "home". When the model fly away from here, or you lose the concept of what the position is, you turn mode and return home model will come right back to you. There is no need to intervene in the proceedings, just to keep the height of the gas model. This feature will be appreciated by beginners, but everyone who takes the model and for the purpose of shooting video and photography. This function can be set for both flying out and flying in the room.

The model comes four channel 2.4 GHz transmitter in mode 1, which can control on / off different flight modes and camera control. The model is equipped with lighting, which allows the model to fly in the dark.

The control unit is located on one plate along with 2.4 GHz receiver, gyro system and speed controllers. Like the propeller is protected against damage resistant plastic.

To power kvadrokoptéry used LiPo battery 1S 350 mAh/25C that supplies energy to the model 5-8 minut.K charging serve charger that is powered from the USB connector.

RC set Visitor Galaxy 2 includes: Fully assembled model kvadrokoptéry, nimiaturní camera, four-channel, 2.4 GHz transmitter with the possibility of controlling phases of flight and control cameras, 1x LiPo battery mAh/25C 350, 4x spare propellers, propulsion battery charger.

Product and instructional videos Visitor Galaxy mini 2:



















Length [mm] 150
Height [mm] 42
Main rotor diameter [mm] 56
Flight weight [g] 44
Controlled functions M (4), Kl, Kp, Vr
Building intensity S0
Difficulty piloting P1


Technical Data:

Délka [mm] 150
Výška [mm] 42
Průměr nosného rotoru [mm] 56
Hmotnost letová [g] 44
Ovládané funkce M(4),Kl,Kp,Vr
Stavební náročnost S0
Náročnost pilotáže P1


Srovnání Galaxy Visitor

Srovnání Galaxy Visitor

Přehledné tabulkové srovnání technických parametrů modelů Galaxy Visitor 2, Galaxy Visitor 3, Galaxy Visitor 6, Galaxy Visitor 7 a Galaxy Visitor 8. 10.11.2015

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