Shipping and payment options

Most of the goods listed on the online store are in stock, the delivery time depends on the availability of the goods that we take out of stock immediately, or within 5 working days at the latest (until the shipment is handed over to the transport company, or in the case of personal collection directly to the customer). Due to the fact that currently the largest Czech model wholesalers Astramodel and Kavan Europe supply us with goods every day, we are usually able to send you the goods of these companies within 3 days even if we do not have them in stock at the time of your order. However, it may happen that the goods you ordered are currently sold out not only with us, but also with our supplier. In this case, we will inform you about this situation as soon as possible.

Payment methods and delivery costs

  payment by card or in advance to the account cash on delivery shipping for orders over 2500CZK
Personal collection at the store free not available free
Czech Post - BALÍK DO RUKY (only valid for delivery within the Czech Republic) 99 CZK 129 CZK free
DPD Parcel Shipping Service (only valid for delivery within the Czech Republic) 107 CZK 137 CZK free
DPD Pickup parcelshop (only valid for delivery within the Czech Republic) 71 CZK 101 CZK free
Czech Post - BALÍKOVNA (only valid for delivery within the Czech Republic) 75 CZK 105 CZK free
Czech Post - BALÍK NA POŠTU (only valid for delivery within the Czech Republic) 99 CZK 129 CZK free
DPD Austria 260 CZK not available -
DPD Belgium 310 CZK not available -
DPD Bulgaria 430 CZK not available -
DPD Croatia 380 CZK not available -
DPD Cyprus 749 CZK not available -
DPD Denmark 300 CZK not available -
DPD Estonia 330 CZK not available -
DPD Finland 610 CZK not available -
DPD France 390 CZK not available -
DPD Germany 220 CZK not available -
DPD Greece 530 CZK not available -
DPD Hungary 210 CZK not available -
DPD Ireland 330 CZK not available -
DPD Italy 420 CZK not available -
DPD Latvia 310 CZK not available -
DPD Lithuania 260 CZK not available -
DPD Luxembourg 270 CZK not available -
DPD Neltherlands 300 CZK not available -
DPD Poland 160 CZK not available -
DPD Portugal 510 CZK not available -
DPD Romania 500CZK not available -
DPD Slovenia 200 CZK not available -
DPD Spain 420 CZK not available -
DPD Sweden 370 CZK not available -
Czech Post Australia 1300 CZK not available -
Czech Post Canada 990 CZK not available -
Czech Post Great Britain 880 CZK not available -
Czech Post Israel 990 CZK not available -
Czech Post Malta 660 CZK not available -
Czech Post Norway 450 CZK not available -
Czech Post Serbia 880 CZK not available -
Czech Post Singapore 990 CZK not available -
Czech Post Switzerland 880 CZK not available -
Czech Post Turkey 990 CZK not available -
Czech Post USA 990 CZK not available -

In cash or by credit card upon personal collection at the store

As a method of collecting the ordered goods, you can also choose personal collection at the store closest to you. After receiving confirmation that the goods are ready for collection, you will pick them up at the selected store. Goods ordered via the online store for personal collection at one of the stores are reserved after sending the collection information for a maximum of 5 working days (unless otherwise agreed).

We accept cards labeled VISA, MasterCard, Maestro at the stores

Cash on delivery

We will send the goods you have chosen to the delivery address specified in your order via the transport company Geis Parcel CZ, s.r.o. or the company Česká pošta, s.p. and you pay for it when you take it over (price of goods + postage). We do not charge packaging or handling fees. For orders that exceed the sum of CZK 2,500 including VAT, we do not charge postage (only valid for delivery within the Czech Republic).

Payment in advance on account

In the online store, you select the "advance payment on account" option. As soon as we have prepared the goods, we will confirm this fact to you by email. After that, send the payment to the account number 51-942990247/0100 in the amount indicated in your order and enter your order number as a variable symbol. As soon as the payment is credited to this seller's bank account, we will immediately send the goods to the delivery address specified in your order. The amount to be paid will include the price of the goods + postage in the amount according to the selected carrier (see above). We do not charge packaging or handling fees. For orders that exceed the sum of CZK 2,500 including VAT, we do not charge postage (only valid for delivery within the Czech Republic).

Payment by payment card

Payment by payment card is possible, if you own a payment card that allows payments on the Internet, then the goods can be paid for online with this card. For orders that exceed the sum of CZK 2,500 including VAT, we do not charge postage (only valid for delivery within the Czech Republic).

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